Celebrex (Celecoxib)
Brand Name Products
Celebrex 100mg

Manufactured by Pfizer

Source Country: Australia • Shipped From: Australia
Prescription Required
Celebrex 200mg

Manufactured by Pfizer

Source Country: Australia • Shipped From: Vanuatu
Prescription Required
Generic Products
What is a Generic?
Celecoxib 100mg

Manufactured by Marcan Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Generic Alternative of Celebrex 100mg

Source Country: Canada • Shipped From: Canada
Prescription Required
Celecoxib 200mg

Manufactured by Marcan Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Generic Alternative of Celebrex 200mg

Source Country: Canada • Shipped From: Canada
Prescription Required

Please note that the country, manufacturer, and/or shipping country may vary depending on availability. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Celebrex Information

Celebrex is an NSAID or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The enzyme Cox-2, causing severe pain and inflammation is targeted by cheap Celebrex. Cox-1 enzyme, which protects the stomach lining, is unaffected by this drug, which makes it different from all other pain relievers, thus making it suitable for all patients for the treatment of body pain. Pain arising due to arthritis, spondylitis and menstrual pain is treated by Celebrex. Large intestines polyps or small tumor like projections, are also treated by this drug. It should be stored at room temperature where light and moisture cannot come in touch with the drug. The room temperature should be around 59 degrees F to 86 degrees F.

Celebrex Side Effects and Precautions

It is strongly advised not to use discount Celebrex if you have allergies or allergic reactions. During pregnancy, it is better to inform the physician and then use generic Celebrex. If there is abdominal pain, sudden weight gain, occurrence of yellowness in eyes and skin, yellowing of skin, it is recommended to consult your physician for proper treatment. While using Celecoxib do not consume alcohol, as it may cause bleeding in the stomach.

Elder persons are more prone to side effects, so caution is advised while using Celecoxib. It should be taken with some liquid in order to avoid stomach problems.

Dosage Information for Celebrex

Patients suffering from osteoarthritis are usually given a 200 mg of the drug initially, which can be given directly or it can be provided at 100 mg twice a day. Whereas, those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are given 100 mg or 200 mg and 50 mg or 100 mg respectively. In case of ankylosing spondylitis, the dosage is 400 mg initially and it could be increased to another 200 mg if required. You can buy Celebrex from North Drug Mart in 100 mg, 200 mg and 400 mg vials.


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