Frequently Asked Questions
  • Q: How do I place an order with NorthDrugMart?

    A: Placing an order is easy! Please go to How to Order to learn more.

  • Q: Do I need a valid prescription from a doctor to place an order with North Drug Mart?

    A: Yes, you need a valid prescription from a doctor to order any medication that is marked with the "Rx" symbol.

  • Q: What are the hours of operation for your call center?

    A: You may contact our call center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Q: Are there any limits or restrictions regarding the amount of medication that I can order from North Drug Mart?

    A: North Drug Mart's contracted dispensaries cannot dispense more than a 3 month supply of medication per law. We will, however, keep your prescription on file and track your refill history, allowing you as many refills as your doctor authorizes.

  • Q: When can I expect to receive my prescription once I place my order?

    A: Once your prescription order is received, either by online request, fax or mail, it will be processed and shipped by one of our contracted international dispensaries. The process and shipping time is 2 to 3 weeks on average. With that in mind, you should order your refills about 2-3 weeks prior to running out of your medication.

  • Q: Is there a prescription drug that your contracted dispensaries will not ship?

    A. Our contracted dispensaries will not ship controlled substances such as anabolic steroids, tranquilizers or opiates.

  • Q: I just received my order and these pills look different from the ones I get at my regular pharmacy, why?

    A. If, in the past, you have purchased your medications in the brand name form and then ordered their generic form North Drug Market, then there will be a difference in appearance. The chemical composition however will be identical to the brand name form. Generic drugs are engineered to look different from the brand name drugs because patent laws do not allow the generic manufacturers to create a pill that is identical in appearance to the brand name form. Another reason that some medications may look different from what you are used to receiving is that some branded medications have a different appearance in different countries.

    Another reason that some medications may look different from what you are used to receiving is that some branded medications have a different appearance in different countries. In the US, the Celexa 20mg pill is peach in color, but the international version is white in color and somewhat smaller in size than the US version.

  • Q: Is your web site secure for online credit card transactions?

    A: Most definitely! We at North Drug Market have taken every conceivable step to ensure that your credit card transaction is totally secure. Your information is transmitted over a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) - the most secure processing method that is currently available.

  • Q: Are the any other charges in addition to the charge for my order?

    A: Yes, there are additional charges for shipping.

  • Q: What is the shipping charge?

    A: We charge a flat fee of $9.99 per order for shipping, for International orders $19.95. While you may order as often as you wish, we advise that you order all of your medications in a 3 month supply at one time. This will save you additional shipping charges for each order.

  • Q: What guarantee do I will actually receive the order that I placed with North Drug Mart?

    A: As long as you give us your correct address for delivery, you should receive your order within the specified amount of time. If, however, you do not receive your order within 30 days from the time the order was shipped, please contact us and our contracted pharmacy will reship your order at no additional expense to you. For international orders the shipping guarantee is 6 weeks. This shipping guarantee is only valid for certain countries and for up to 90 days from the time the order is placed. Please ask us for more information.