Celontin (Methsuximide)
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Celontin 300mg

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Celontin Information

Celontin is used to treat epileptic seizures. It can be used with various drugs also. Petit mal seizures, which occur both in children and in adults, are treated by cheap Celinton. This is an anti-epileptic medicine. It is also known as an anticonvulsant. This drug may cause side effects that decrease in blood cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells or platelets. You should see your doctor immediately if you experience any unusual bleeding.

Celontin Side Effects and Precautions

Methsuximide generally causes sleepiness, pain in lower abdomen, stomach upset, lack of coordination, etc. If any of these conditions are noticed while consuming discount Celontin, it is advised that the patient must inform their physician. Other adverse effects may include lack of energy while performing some work, moodiness and sometimes even thoughts of suicide. Methsuximide might also cause allergies.

It is strongly recommended that you inform your doctor at once if any kind of allergic reaction is noticed. Though some side effects are discussed but it has been observed that different people react differently while using generic Celontin. However, if you experience any kind of discomfort, you should seek your doctor's advice. Rash, breathing difficulty, are very serious side effects with this drug and it is advisable to stop using the drug and to inform the doctor for help.

Dosage Information for Celontin

Recommended dose at the initial stage includes 30 mg per day during the 1st week. By observing the patients behavior the dose may be increased to another 30 mg and this should be continued for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks a standard dose of 1.2 gm must be given. For the patients whose ages are between 1-18 years, a dose of 150 mg should be given in capsule form. Generally, this dose controls seizures. You could buy Celontin in 300 mg vials from North Drug Mart.


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