Combigan (Brimonidine Tartrate/Timolol Maleate)
Brand Name Products
Combigan 0.2%/0.5%

Manufactured by Allergan

Source Country: India • Shipped From: India
Prescription Required
Combigan 0.2%/0.5%

Manufactured by Allergan Inc.

Source Country: United Kingdom • Shipped From: United Kingdom
Prescription Required
Generic Products
What is a Generic?
Brimonidine Tartrate/Timolol Maleate 0.2%/0.5%

Manufactured by Cipla

Generic Alternative of Combigan 0.2%/0.5%

Source Country: India • Shipped From: India
Prescription Required

Please note that the country, manufacturer, and/or shipping country may vary depending on availability. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Combigan Information

Combigan is a receptor containing Brimonidine. It decreases the amount of fluid in the eye by reducing its pressure. Patients having hypertension or high pressure inside the eyes or glaucoma, could be treated with the help of cheap Combigan. It comes in opaque bottles, generally white in color, while the high impact caps are blue in color. The drug's solution must be kept or stored at a temperature between 59 to 77 degrees of Fahrenheit. The Combigan solution is greenish yellow in color, which has an osmolality of 261-331 mOsmol per kg.

Combigan Side Effects and Precautions

Different patients may have different side effects while using discount Combigan. The most common ones are stinging, hyperemia, conjunctivitis due to allergies, ocular burning, conjunctival hyperemia, eye problems etc. Five to fifteen percent of people who have been using Brimonidine or Timolol have these symptoms. Though one to five percent have visual problems, eyelid edema, oral dryness, etc.

If Brimonidine or Timolol is used in combination with other drugs, it causes other adverse effects also, so it is better to use the generic drug as a standalone drug. If beta blockers are consumed along with the drug, it can cause a negative impact. If you notice that while using this drug you feel any kind of irritation, or inconvenience at work, visit your doctor at once.

Dosage Information for Combigan

The solution of the drug should be consumed twice a day; one drop every twelve hours. According to the doctor's advice, the solution is given to one or both eyes so that high pressure inside the eyes is reduced to a minimal level. There must be at least a five minute gap between each drop in the eyes. You could buy Combigan 5 ml, 10 ml, 15 ml, 30 ml and 45 ml from North Drug Mart.


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