Condylox (Podofilox)
Brand Name Products
Condylox 0.5%

Manufactured by Adern Healthcare Ltd

Marketed as Condyline Solution in European Union

Source Country: United Kingdom • Shipped From: United Kingdom
Prescription Required
Generic Products
What is a Generic?

No Generic Alternative.

Please note that the country, manufacturer, and/or shipping country may vary depending on availability. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Condylox Topical Information

Condylox Topical helps in reducing or stopping the growth of certain kinds of cells. The exact method of working of this drug is not known. Cheap Condylox Topical helps in treating genital warts appearing outside the body. This medicine does not cure genital warts. However, you should not use this medicine on any skin growth or wart which has not been checked by a doctor. You should also remain careful that you do not get discount Condylox Topical into your eyes. However, if you get the medicine in your eyes accidently, then you should rinse your eyes with water and should seek immediate medical care.

Condylox Topical Side Effects And Precautions

This medicine does not provide any protection against sexually transmitted diseases. You should clean your hands thoroughly before or after using this medicine. The effects of podofilox topical on an unborn child are not known. You must let your doctor know if you are pregnant. Similarly, if you are trying to get pregnant or get pregnant during the treatment, then you should immediately bring this fact to your doctor’s notice.

It is not known whether podofilox topical could harm a nursing child. Talk with your doctor about the feasibility of using this medicine if you are nursing a baby. This generic medicine should be applied to clean and dry skin. You should consult your doctor if you do not see any improvement in your symptoms after 4 treatment cycles.

Dosage Information For Condylox Topical

This medicine should be applied every 12 hours or twice a day. The treatment should continue for 3 successive days. After this, the treatment should be withheld for 4 continuous days. This cycle may be repeated four times until you see improvement in your condition. You can buy Condylox Topical 0.5% from North Drug Mart.


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