Cytoxan (Cyclophosphamide)
Brand Name Products
Cytoxan 25mg

Manufactured by Baxter Healthcare Corporation

Marketed as Procytox in Canada

Source Country: Canada • Shipped From: Canada
Prescription Required
Generic Products
What is a Generic?
Cyclophosphamide 50mg

Manufactured by Zydus Cadila

Generic Alternative of Cytoxan 50mg

Source Country: India • Shipped From: India
Prescription Required

Please note that the country, manufacturer, and/or shipping country may vary depending on availability. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Cytoxan Information

Cytoxan is an anticancer medicine which deters the growth of malignant cancerous cells. It may be used in the treatment of various diseases such as breast cancer, multiple myeloma and Hodgkin’s disease. The other uses of this generic drug include the treatment of Neuroblastoma, ovarian cancer and advanced mycosis fungoids. This medicine may be used in conjunction with other drugs. Cheap Cytoxan may be used as a standalone medicine too. This medicine may be given to the children suffering from “minimal change” nephritic syndrome and those who do not react to steroid treatment. Since the noxious byproducts of discount Cytoxan are passed out of the body through urine, this drug may potently damage your bladder.

Cytoxan Side Effects And Precautions

You may be advised to undergo regular blood test while taking this medicine. These tests are done to check if the medicine is working in the desired manner.

Cyclophosphamide is a key constituent of this medicine, which may cause secondary cancer. This secondary cancer may attack any body part such as bladder or lymph nodes. To guard against the risk of bladder damage, you should undergo regular urine check.

The drug must not be given to adults afflicted with “minimal change” nephritic syndrome. It should also not be given to adults with kidney related diseases. If a patient does not generate normal blood cells, then such patients should not be given Cyclophosphamide. The main reason behind such inability may be problems related to bone marrow.

Dosage Information For Cytoxan

Initially, 40 to 50 mg/kg of this medicine should be administered over 2 to 5 days. This drug should be given intravenously. For oral Cytoxan, the dosage is 1 to 5 mg/kg/day. This quantity is to be followed for both initial and subsequent dosage. You can buy Cytoxan from North Drug Mart for the ease of ordering.


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