ERFA Thyroid (Thyroid)
Brand Name Products
Thyroid 30mg (0.5 grain)

Manufactured by ERFA Canada Inc.

Marketed as Erfa Thyroid in Canada

Source Country: Canada • Shipped From: Canada
Prescription Required
Thyroid 60mg (1 grain)

Manufactured by ERFA Canada Inc.

Marketed as Erfa Thyroid in Canada

Source Country: Canada • Shipped From: Canada
Prescription Required
Armour Thyroid 90mg (1.5 grain)

Manufactured by A US FDA approved Generic Manufacturer

Source Country: United States • Shipped From: United States
Prescription Required
Armour Thyroid 120mg (2 grain)

Manufactured by A US FDA approved Generic Manufacturer

Source Country: United States • Shipped From: United States
Prescription Required
Thyroid 125mg

Manufactured by ERFA Canada Inc.

Marketed as Erfa Thyroid in Canada

Source Country: Canada • Shipped From: Canada
Currently unavailable
Generic Products
What is a Generic?
Thyroid 15mg (0.25grs)

Manufactured by A US FDA approved Generic Manufacturer

Generic Alternative of ERFA Thyroid 15mg (0.25grs)

Source Country: United States • Shipped From: United States
Prescription Required

Please note that the country, manufacturer, and/or shipping country may vary depending on availability. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Armour Thyroid Information

Armour Thyroid is a naturally occurring hormone which is made from desiccated (or preserved/ dried) thyroid. The drug is an exogenous thyroid hormone. The aim of the drug is to enhance the metabolic rate of the body tissues. The drug is used for the treatment in patients who have hypothyroidism (due to any reason). Generic drug does not include treatment of transient hypothyroidism which occurs in the recovery-phase from sub-acute thyroiditis. The drug is also used in the management of thyroid cancer. Besides this the drug is used for treating and preventing various kinds of euthyroid goiters. Discount Armour Thyroid is readily available in the contracted pharmacies and has to be prescribed by a doctor.

Armour Thyroid Side Effects and Precautions

The side effects that you may have upon starting the treatment with Armour Thyroid drug are nervousness, headache, tremors and insomnia. The cardiovascular side effects associated with the drug are tachycardia, angina pectoris, palpitation or cardiac arrhythmias. The gastro-intestinal side effects that Armour Thyroid may induce include abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Other side effects associated with the drug are fever, heat intolerance, sweating and weight loss. If you have any of the above mentioned side effects after taking Armour Thyroid drug then let your doctor know immediately. The drug may induce rare events of intolerance. This is probably due to the hypersensitivity towards animal proteins. This is rare (infrequent) at physiologic dose of the drug. However, if you are hypersensitive (or allergic) to the drug then do not buy Armour Thyroid.

Dosage Information For Armour Thyroid

For treating hypothyroidism the recommended starting dose of Armour Thyroid is 30 mg and increment dose of 15 mg in every 2-3 weeks. A starting dose as low as 15 mg/day is recommended for patients who have long standing myxedema, especially in patients with cardiovascular impairment. The drug is administered IV for treating myxedema coma, when oral doses are not desirable. For thyroid suppression therapy in adults, 1.56 mcg/kg dose is recommended for 7-10 days. Pediatric doses of the drug differ and depend upon the patient's body weight. Now North Drug Mart offers cheap Armour Thyroid at 30 mg, 60 mg and 125 mg doses.


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